A new paradigm for education
Stand Together’s vision is to transform K-12 education so every student can discover and develop their potential and purpose in life. Our work focuses on shifting education from a one-size-fits-all system to learning that’s tailored to each student’s unique gifts, interests, and needs.
Most Americans share this vision. And for good reason. Today’s standardized system, which puts all learners on the same path, leaves little room for creativity, critical thinking, and personal growth. Students are tuning out, with only 34% of students still engaged with their learning by senior year in high school. It’s not just a problem for students: educators are burning out at higher rates than employees in any other industry.
Families have been awakened to the possibilities of owning their own education experience, and they’ve been increasingly demanding more freedom. The Stand Together community is responding by advancing policy reforms that put families in charge of their child’s education and by promoting a dynamic marketplace of education alternatives for them to choose from.
As a result of these efforts, since 2021, 42 state policy reforms have been enacted in 22 states. These reforms have given 20 million students access to public funding to cover the cost of their education outside the traditional system and expanded options for 1.2 million public school students to attend the public school of their choice, regardless of preexisting school district boundaries. Meanwhile, more than 7 million students have experienced educational alternatives supported by Stand Together partners.
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