Get America safely back to work

The COVID-19 pandemic is touching every aspect of our lives, changing how we live, work, learn, and engage with our community. Stand Together is doing all we can to make a difference right now by partnering with incredible individuals and organizations to get America safely back to work.
- Angel Soft® and Georgia-Pacific join #GiveTogetherNow effort — The makers of Angel Soft® joined the growing community of businesses and foundations supporting #GiveTogetherNow by announcing a $1 million donation to directly help families across the country impacted by COVID-19. They are now challenging others to join in – pledging an additional $1 million to match consumer donations to the cause. Published 5/12/20
- A collaborative resource to help businesses and policymakers keep people safe — Stand Together is gathering best practices and guidelines from health officials, business leaders across industries, employees, and employers about what they are doing to protect public health while enabling people to work whenever possible. Published 4/19/20
- Charles Koch, Brian Hooks outline ‘distinctly American approach’ to overcoming pandemic — In a USA Today opinion piece published March 28, Stand Together founder Charles Koch and CEO Brian Hooks remind us that openness and innovation have always been the American way. And they empower us to overcome the current challenge. Published 3/28/20
- Call to action: How business can best help people during the coronavirus pandemic— The choice between “business as usual” or “close all business” is a false choice. The question is: What is the most effective way to ensure all people in the country have the best chance to live—both during and after this crisis has passed, no matter how long it is with us? Published 3/27/20