How urban farming transformed a Dallas community

In Dallas, one of the wealthiest cities in the world, the community of Bonton and 48% of its residents suffer daily from the effects of urban poverty. Bonton residents have disproportionately high rates of incarceration, joblessness, disease, and a lack of transportation. Bonton is considered a food desert, where there is a lack of access to fresh, healthy foods, and the closest grocery store is a 3-hour round-trip bus ride away.
Bonton Farms founder, Daron Babcock, was drawn to the community and decided that the only way he could help was to move to Bonton and learn from the residents what they needed to create positive change. Daron now oversees one of the largest urban farms in the United States and this farm is catalyzing transformation, creating jobs, hope, and fresh food for the residents of Bonton.
Click here to read more about Bonton Farms and Bonton resident Tasha’s story.
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