The Last Mile’s code for success

Shocking recidivism rates in the U.S. represent a fundamental failure in prison and jail systems, with multiple states having more than half of inmates reoffending after reentry into society. Individuals exiting prison face significant barriers to successfully return to society, with limited skills and job opportunities after their time in prison.

The Last Mile, a California-based nonprofit, is on a mission to break the cycle of America’s incarceration problem – using coding. Founded by venture capitalists Chris Redlitz and Beverly Parenti, The Last Mile launched the first computer coding curriculum in San Quentin State Prison, bringing technology and entrepreneurship training programs to the inmates.

100% of the program’s graduates never return to prison. How? The Last Mile provides coding and technology education to these men and women, empowering them to build upon the knowledge and skills to be successful and change their futures.

Learn more about Stand Together’s criminal justice efforts.